Grant Support

The research activities at DSRL are partially supported by the following funding sources:

  • NSF ACCESS Award: Dr. Ku is the Principal Investigator for the project titled: "High-Performance Computing Capability for the Data Science Research Lab at William Paterson University (Award Number: CIS 230163)". The award allows access to over fifteen supercomputing facilities around the country.

  • Project HEAL Evaluation: Dr. Ku's research activities are partially funded by the Healthcare Approaches to Justice Collaborative at Montclair State University. His research on data management, data transformation, natural language processing, data and text mining is supported by the following grant in the Collaborative:
    • Hackensack Meridian Health: NJ Hospital-Based Violence Intervention

  • MaCS Scholars Program: Dr. Ku is a Co-Principal Investigator for the MaCS Scholars Program. The program is a five-year, one million dollars grant from NSF. The program includes summer research internship funding for MaCS Scholars and the program investigators recruit MaCS scholars to work on the DSRL projects during the summer.

  • Student Research Fund: Dr. Ku applies for student research assistant regularly to carry out faculty-student research on some of the DSRL projects. This fund is awarded by the College of Science and Health.